Monday, December 27, 2010

Someone grab the duct tape.

It's amazing how the worst part of this life is also the best.
Everytime we move I am somehow ridiculously blessed with finding amazing people. Even in the smallest of towns I find people that today I still love so much and think about everyday. My heart breaks everytime I have to say goodbye. I am pretty sure any MRI would show the haphazardly patched scars on my heart (hence the duct tape reference).

I don't know how I get so lucky, and sometimes I wonder why I can't just stay still and love these people right up close instead of in memories and through e-mail, text message or facebook.
I am in awe of so many of you out there. The people who cared enough to become my friend and still care enough to say "Hi" or check in. I am by nature a people loving - loner, (oxymoron I know) but it suits me pretty well in this traveling life I lead and in a way allows me to come to a place, love the hell out of some people and them move on to the next with an open heart.

So just a big THANK YOU is what I am getting at, to all of those people who took the time and still do to let me know I am still thought of even with the miles and the time between us.

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