Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Maybe I'm just weird.

Yes, my husband leaves. He leaves quite a bit actually. Granted its not for years at a time like some wives bravely endure but more like months, weeks, days. But yes, he leaves me.
Here is where the weird comes in. I like it. Sometimes I even LOVE it. Do I miss him? Of course, so much. Do I cry when he goes? Sometimes. But as I am packing his bags and hugging him goodbye there is a tiny little part of me that is excited. Excited to have complete control of the Television.
Let me explain. We have been together for 7+ years. Not that it is really that long in the grand scheme of things but 7 years is enough time to get through the honeymoon lovey dovey and into the meat of a relationship, into the "comfort zone", where it's no longer "oh sure honey" "whatever you want honey" and becomes "Don't touch the damn remote" or "I will shove it where the sun don't shine". (In my opinion the better place to be)
When he leaves, it is just me and the dogs and they only care that they get snacks and walks.
I get to watch whatever I want. I can watch the Food Network or the CW teenie bopper shows for HOURS on end without anyone complaning...and DAMN IT I freakin' love it. I also love being able to eat whatever I want. If I want fish sticks and a can of beets that is what I eat. If I want just mashed potatoes that is what I make. Its fantastic. The freedom. The "me" time.
So maybe I am weird, I know some wives cringe at the idea of being alone but I am not one of them. It doesn't mean that I love my husband any less or that we aren't solid.
I choose to see the fun and adventure in the alone time instead of just the fear. But there is fear. I still check every room, under every bed, behind every shower curtain before going to bed and you better believe I sleep with mace, knives and a very protective dog at the foot of my bed....I said I was weird people, not stupid.

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